detective work. I had a lot of fun working on it."在这本书出版几乎十年以后,这位上了年纪的教授谈起这本书依然很兴奋:“这是一本侦探性的书,写这本书时可有意思了。”That book is a sequel, so you'd assume the first one was called Nothing Lasts Forev, but it was actually given the imaginative title of The Detective.该书是部续集,你可能会猜说第一部或许叫Nothing Lasts Forev,但实际上它有个极具想象力的书名:《侦探》(The Detective)。。detective book相关词组,detective book是什么意思,detective book的用法,detective book的意思,detective book的例句,detective book的中文意思,detective book用法及例句等信息,希望对您的学习有所帮助!" />
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detective bo...
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I think it is a good detective book, too.


Almost ten years after its publication, the aged professor still got very excited over his book: "It was detective work. I had a lot of fun working on it."


That book is a sequel, so you'd assume the first one was called Nothing Lasts Forev, but it was actually given the imaginative title of The Detective.

该书是部续集,你可能会猜说第一部或许叫Nothing Lasts Forev,但实际上它有个极具想象力的书名:《侦探》(The Detective)。

"detective book"的基本信息





